出品:★★北京亚娱(www.bjmanjiang.com)★★ 名称:《Narcissu倒计回忆录》 简介:... on that blindingly bright day ... (在那个迷惘而又明亮的那天)  ... on that very day of winter ...  (在那个意义非凡的冬天)This is a story of disease and suffering; (这个与病魔抗争的痛苦经历的故事上演了......) of medication and adverse effects;  (由于药物作用和身处逆境的双重影响)  of thoracotomy scars and cellular poisons; (烙印了我心灵的创疤,而病毒又扩散到每一个细胞中) of the living who cannot help but to die and of the dying who cannot help but to live;  (其实或者已经帮不了我什么,但是去死或者对生活缺乏斗志更带来不了任何的帮助,只有活下去) of a resting place other than "on 7F" or "at home". (找一个休息的地方吧,不要呆在7F或只呆在家里) This is a story of so many things.  (这个故事包含了太多的事)   But most of all ...   (但是他们最精彩的地方.....) This is the story   (是这样一个故事) One is never closed his eyes in boethius observed the girl.(一个即将永远闭上眼睛的女孩在强颜欢笑)A 7F on the girl, in silence(一个即将踏上7F的女孩,在继续沉默)Two girls, in a relative to wait(两个作为亲属的女孩,在继续守候)PS:综合水仙第一部游戏与我个人思想以及人生的结合,四个不同角度的描写,可能比另一部更乱,但还是希望大家能够喜欢。 作者:毛猫喵